The latest data about  
the automotive aftermarket 

During the 16th Congress of the Automotive Industry and Market, the current results of research concerning the market situation of producers, parts distributors and garages were presented.

The majority of parts distributors who took part in the survey, conducted for SDCM and Santander Bank Poland, recorded an increase in revenue in 2021. This was mainly due to good domestic sales and an increase in exports.

However, this segment of the industry was also struggling. 61% of the distributors surveyed admitted that they were experiencing or had experienced significant difficulties with availability of parts. Only 3% of those surveyed said they had not experienced such complications in their business.

Distributors also took part in an on-line survey during the Congress. They were asked about their revenue forecasts for 2022. As with manufacturers, the survey results showed an optimistic attitude, although the group of sceptics was slightly larger in this case.

More information on the current state of the industry will soon be available in a new report summarising 2021 in the industry. It was prepared by the Association of Automotive Spare Parts Distributors and Manufacturers and Santander Bank Poland, in cooperation with and will be available soon.

We also invite you to watch the recording of the session "Latest data on the automotive market" to learn about the detailed results of research and experts' analysis: