Automotive Spare Parts Market
facing change -
the latest data
Organised by the Association of Distributors and Manufacturers of Automotive Spare Parts SDCM, the Automotive Industry and Market Congress returned to its standard formula after a three-year break. The opening thematic session of the 17th Congress was a summary of market performance in 2022.
Traditionally, the session was divided into three parts dedicated to manufacturers, distributors and repair garages. Many of the current problems of the market translate into the activities of all these entities. We are, of course, talking about the effects of the crisis caused by, among other things, the pandemic and the war in Ukraine. The market is struggling with inflation, rising cost of raw materials and energy prices, transport and various services cost.
Automotive spare parts distributors in 2022
As the survey showed, the vast majority of distributors have this year faced price increases for parts from their suppliers.
Decreasing stock levels can also be a problem for distributors. This issue was investigated in a live vote during the congress. The results confirmed that this is one of the most significant problems in the industry.
The second on-line voting concerned the forecast changes in revenues of distribution companies in the second half of 2022, compared to the first half of the year. As the survey showed, distributors overwhelmingly expect to see revenue growth in the second half of 2022. One fifth, however, expect a decrease.
Revenues are growing not in line with the costs. Some of the costs have even rocketed recently. For distributors, the most worrying problem is the cost of transport. Increasing energy and heating costs, as well as rising wages and salaries, among other things due to rising inflation, are also taking their toll.
Garage market situation in 2022
During the congress, market research on the current situation of repair garages was also presented. The research conducted by among garage representatives does not give a clear picture of this market. Almost a third of garages declared an increase in revenue in the first half of 2022 compared to the same period last year, but a similar group indicated a decrease in revenue during this time. One in three garages declared that revenues would remain at a similar level to the first months of 2021. However, it must be remembered that the period to which comparisons were made fell at a time when the garage market was waking up after a time of pandemic crisis, recording very good results.
The declarations made by garages regarding the number of customers were similar. Half of those surveyed see no change compared to 2021.
Which costs are bothering garages the most? Definitely rising electricity and heating prices. For on-premise garages, these costs can now account for a significant portion of the monthly expenses. With the heating season starting, the situation can be particularly difficult.
Struggling with rising costs, garages are increasing their service prices. This year, more than 95% of survey participants did so. For the majority of those surveyed, these were not the last increases this year.
The conclusion of this year's session on the situation in the aftermarket was the presentation of a graphic that included all the current challenges faced by the industry. As can be seen, the problems of the market are mutually determined and accumulate in layers. However, the industry is looking into the future with moderate optimism, hoping that the current difficulties will soon pass.