Car fleet in Poland
Presented below you can find information on changes in Polish fleet of motor vehicles. We are also checking the situation of second-hand cars import and registration of new vehicles in the time of pandemic.

Registrations of new cars - as at October 2020.

Registrations 2020: October: -13.7%; January – October: -26.0%,
In October 2020 The number of registrations of passenger cars and commercial vehicles, decreased by 13.7% (-7 218 pieces) in comparison to the same period a year before. 
Starting from the beginning of 2020 there were 380,965 new light commercial vehicles and passenger cars registered in PL (together PKW and light commercial vehicles up to 3.5t). This accounts for a result lower by 26% (-133,654 pcs.) in comparison to the same period a year before. 
Source: PZPM.