Import of used cars – as at October 2020
Starting from the beginning of 2020 in Poland, there were in total 712,213 vehicles imported to the country. That accounts for a decrease in registration by 17.0% in comparison to the same period of 2019.

Import 2020: October: -13.2%; January – October: -17% In September, there were 81,721 used vehicles imported to Poland - passenger cars and light commercial vehicles 
with GVM up to 3.5 t. A result 13.2% lower than a year before. Starting from the beginning of 2020 in Poland, there were in total 712,213 vehicles imported 
to the country. That accounts for a decrease in registration by 17.0% in comparison to the same period of 2019. According to available data, the average age of a car imported to Poland in October was 11 years and 11 months. Annual average is currently 12 years. The most often cars are being imported from Germany (376,489 pieces from the beginning of the year), France (69,555 pieces), Belgium (53,243 pieces), Holland (35,410 pieces) and USA (30,206 pieces).
