The success of the campaign has been supported by effective activities ran by Inter Cars, realized thanks to three elements: cooperation, partnership and openness to change – assessed Michał Adamaszek, Battery Segment Director at Inter Cars.

How can one assess the first stage of Battery Point campaign?
Michał Adamaszek: It has been a really successful time for us, that is sure. Internal statistics of the project are really good, and I am talking here about the number of customers visiting the website of Battery Point, as well as about customer activities on the website. Additionally, when comparing our initiative to similar ones but of other companies on the market, we can tell that our concept is really liked by the customers. External observers confirm our opinion, unanimously claiming that the campaign and its results can already be announced a full success.
It is worth reminding who the campaign is directed to. Who are those already mentioned customers, visiting the website of the project so willingly?
MA: Battery Point is a project meant for the drivers. That is why we are so please with their positive reactions. Also opinions coming from automotive garages are rally favourable for the Battery Point, and that is also very important for us, as the garages play crucial role in the whole project. One has to remember that these are the garages who are to test and replace batteries.
Often we get information from representatives of the garages, that the campaign has a really strong presence in the traditional media, like radio or press, but also in social media. This shows that the media-plan that we have expected really meet expectations in the first, crucial stage of the campaign.
Well known creators and motorization fans, i.e. Zachar OFF, Michał „Michu” Jesionowski from channel „Fans of four wheels”, Waldemar Florkowski (Moto Adviser) and ambassador of Inter Cars, Bartosz Ostałowski were involved in popularization of Battery Point project. Has their involvement resulted in greater recognition of the project?
MA: Definitely yes. Presence of Bartek Ostałowski was really helpful for the recognition of the campaign among professionals and fans of the automotive industry. “Click” statistics prove that we have reached really big numbers of recipients thanks to Bartek. But also all other influencers have helped us a lot in the promotion of the project. It was them, who explained in their films to many drivers what the Battery Point is about and how it can help them.
Battery point is also a series of short films, called “Electrifying stories”. How did those short productions influence the whole campaign?
MA: We started our project in an unfortunate moment, when the season was already in progress. So we had no time to build a strong brand before the season. That is where the decision came from, that in a short time we had to reach the biggest possible number of drivers. And this is where the idea for “Electrifying stories” came from. And that was really a great success! Thanks to those productions we got to a big group of car owners and users. Positive feedback we have received thanks to “Electrifying stories” exceed all our boldest expectations.  
What has influenced the success?
MA: The films touched real emotions and real problems of standard people. In of the films we presented the need of emergency start of a car in winter, when wife had to be taken to the hospital. In such situation an operational battery is a must. Car users also liked the humour included in our films - like in the one presenting a mother-in-law awaiting her son-in-law to come and pick her up. Thanks to emotions and humour, our productions promoting Battery Point were well remembered by car drivers.
Are you planning similar productions in the future?
MA: We can see the positive effect of “Electrifying stories”, and we can see their popularity. For that purpose we do not say no to new productions, “brainstorming sessions” with new ideas and screenplays. Battery Point is a long-term project.
How important, from the perspective of Inter Cars, is Battery Point project?
MA: Surely it is very important. Thanks to such productions we are building the brand, and the company is meeting the needs of its customers. In Battery Point we want to provide the drivers with support in battery replacement. We are still discussing new projects aimed at individual customers which are to provide similar support to the drivers in other areas of car maintenance. Our aim in these activities - just as it is in Battery Point - is facilitation of communication between the driver and the garage.
And what about the drivers of electric or hybrid vehicles? Are there any activities for them in Battery Point?
MA: E-vehicles is a topic which is coming to us really fast. It is worth remembering that battery in an E-V is not the same as a battery in a standard car. But every E-V has at least one standard battery as well.
We are building awareness of our customers, that DIY replacement is not possible on every vehicle and with every battery. Especially in most modern cars, where without special tools there is absolutely no possibility of replacing a battery. Exactly the same situation will be in case of E-Vs and already is in case of hybrids. Electronics in those cars is so much advanced, that in order to replace a battery one has to be supported with special help and professional devices and tools. Battery Point also talks about that - helping to find a professional garage.
Are you considering new partners being added to the project?
MA: Currently the project has been planned for the long run with the support and in cooperation with Clarios company, manufacturer of VARTA batteries. Our cooperation is really good and both parties are satisfied. But we have to keep in mind that all batteries available at Inter Cars can be selected by the drivers.
And are there any plans for foreign markets for the project?
MA: Definitely yes. Today we are discussing partial use of materials from Battery Point on foreign markets. Polish market is still leading at Inter Cars, generating the sales of over 50 percent of all batteries. But having polished our project, surely in some time it will be recommended also for daughter markets.
What are the most important conclusions that Inter Cars can draw from the project up to now?
MA: It is crucial that in the preliminary phase of building Battery Point, partnership and cooperation are dominant. Thanks to the partnership with Clarios company, and also cooperation between internal departments of Inter Cars, we were able to generate such good results in the campaign.
Feedback from the drivers and the market is the most important for us. Analysing customer behaviour on the website we have taken a decision to redesign our website, to make it even more user friendly and put more emphasis on the importance of automotive garages in Battery Point project.
All this confirms that the most important elements influencing the success of our campaign and the whole project are: cooperation, partnership and openness to changes.