The Association of Automotive Parts Distributors and Manufacturers together with the portal and Santander Bank Polska have prepared the latest automotive parts market barometer summarising the three quarters of 2021. Below you can find the conclusions of the study.
Uncertainty dominates the market
Uncertainty of the future is a feeling accompanying a large group of entities operating in the automotive industry. Companies operating on the independent market are currently in better shape, while OE manufacturers face greater problems.
Results of parts distributors
The performance of automotive parts distributors may seem "boring" because for many years, it has been getting better every year. Despite the forecasts of early 2020 and the turmoil in the early stages of the pandemic, distributors closed 2020 in the positive, and the reports for the previous quarters prepared by SDCM together with Santander Bank Polska in cooperation with showed that these companies are in excellent shape. So, the results after Q3 are in line with predictions. It is only worth mentioning that as much as half of the surveyed companies recorded an increase in revenue by more than 10%. Overall, 85% of respondents recorded increases.